So far I have only added clips of some of the songs that I played on.
01) "Fire Woman" - Jizzy Pearl | mp3 |
02) "She Sells Sanctuary" - Enuff Znuff | mp3 |
03) "Sweet Soul Sister" - Paul Shortino/Jimmy Crespo | mp3 |
04) "American Horse" - Jake E Lee/Tattoo Frank | mp3 |
05) "Edie (Ciao Baby)" - Richard Kendrick | mp3 |
06) "Peace Dog" - American Dog, w/special Guest Jason McMaster | mp3 |
07) "The Witch" - My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult w/Project.44 | mp3 |
08) "Wild Flower" - Gilby Clarke | mp3 |
09) "The Rain" - Joe Lynn Turner w/Reckless Fortune featuring Arno Hecht | mp3 |
10) "King Contrary Man" - Jason McMaster | mp3 |
11) "Coming Down" - Corey Craven | mp3 |
12) "Outlaw" - Stevie Rachelle & Richard Kendrick | mp3 |
13) "Lil Devil" - Jim Martin, Dave Campbell & Anand Bhatt | mp3 |
14) "Memphis Hip Shake" - O.C.D. | mp3 |
At some point I will get all the stuff below sorted out so that it makes more since and is a lot more accurate.